Attendees with membership subscriptions enjoy better rates and privileges.
For availing membership benefits contact Elia D'Souza
Registration fee benefits:
1. All 3 days programs
2. Reception banquet
3. Certificate and Accreditation by the International Organizing Committee (IOCMS)
4. Presenters can avail CME credits up to 20 credits and/or
5. All attendees can avail CPD credits (Continuing Professional Development) by the CPD office
6. Best poster presentations & Young scientist awards
7. A free conference abstracts book along with your abstract
8. B2B meetings
9. 75% discount on full length article publication fee
10. 3 days Lunch during the conference
11. 3 days Coffee breaks during the conference
12. Flash drive with Conference Souvenir and Final Program (e-copies)
Package-A benefits:
All the above benefits (1-12) &
13. 3 nights accommodation at the conference venue
14. 3 days breakfast at the Conference Venue
Package-B benefits:
All the above benefits (1-12) &
15. 4 nights accommodation at the conference venue
16. 4 days breakfast at the Conference Venue
For Student Delegates
01. Access to All Sessions
02. Coffee break during the conference
03. Conference Kit
04. Lunch during the conference
E-Posters for $99
01. The amount charged for E-Posters is to display the E-Posters only on website
02. The abstract will be published in conference proceeding book
03. The presenter is not required to be present in person at the conference
Accompanying Person Benefits:
1. Entry pass for opening ceremony
2. Reception Banquet
3. Coffee Break during the conference
4. Lunch during the conference
A4 Advertisement in Souvenir:
1. You can publish your University/Company profile/ Courses, Highlights and other requirements in a A4 page in the conference Souvenir.
2. This will be allocated to attendees of Clinical Dermatology 2018
3. Organization logo will be promoted as add sponsor in conference website and conference banner
Note: For Advertising opportunities in the conference souvenir and in the website, send your request to: &